Stealing someone's thoughts without them knowing is a tool with LIMITLESS POTENTIAL. Being able to do it REALLY CLEANLY & FAIRLY right under the nose of your audience is a SUPER POWER in itself. NUCLEUS gives you the ability to do just that.
Nucleus is a center tear that is SIMPLE TO LEARN, EASY TO MASTER and LOOKS CLEAN.
It allows you to both STEAL out the center and READ it then & there.
Features of Nucleus:
- It is easy to master because there is a definite pattern in the handling.
- Always opens to the correct side and in the correct orientation.
- Has backups in case you miss reading the information in 1st sight.
- Can be done using regular printer paper.
- Also has a feature that tells you whether the paper is right side up or not (this is helpful when you open up the center inside your pocket).
Apart from the technique, you'll also learn:
- The Short and Simple Routines each for stage, close-up and for impromptu situations.
- A story-based routine that can be adapted into any setting (stage/parlor/walk around) and in any language.
- You'll also learn justification for getting the information written down on paper and tearing it up later.
In this download, you'll find:
- 2 videos of 19 minutes and 3 minutes, respectively
- An eBook of roughly 3000 words that, for the most part, is the same thing taught in video.
Download and learn!
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Bei diesem Produkt handelt es sich um eine Download-Datei. Kein Kinderspielzeug. Nicht für Kinder geeignet.
Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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