Set One
ULTRA BOARD-For the first time on video, see Richard Osterlind perform his classic Mental Epic type effect with an ungimmicked board!
SPOON BEND-A totally new bend with an ordinary spoon that looks impossible! This takes spoon bending to new heights!
FORK BEND-Three forks just melt over at the mentalist's command! It looks like power shoots from the mentalist's hands!
THE VERY MODERN MINDREADER-This is a whole act that uses nothing but a few cards and envelopes. This one can make your reputation as a mind reader!
DIGITAL FEEDBACK-This is the best calculator effect ever! You will stun your audience numerous times and leave them with an ending they will remember!
Set Two
INSIDE THE FOLD-This is one of Richard's most cherished secrets! An audience member calls out a number. He is handed a folded card which has been in the performer's empty hands from the beginning. The chosen number is predicted inside. It is that clean!
STAINLESS STEEL BLINDFOLD-This is one of the classics of mentalism. See Richard perform his favorite routine right out of the manual!
PENOMENALLY (PSYCHIC CONTROL)-A pen placed on a bottle moves at the mentalist's command! There are no threads and the movement is totally under the performer's control!
Set Three
STOPPING A WATCH-The actual mechanics of stopping watches and changing the times are demonstrated. Richard discusses the applications to many types of watches. Also included is controlling a compass and how to mentally destroy a hotel room key!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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