The Big Surprise - The perfect way to open and close your show. A funny and seamless handling of the classic Card in Box effect. The assisting spectator discovers that the Big Surprise Canister really does contain a big surprise.
A Visit from Rocco - A charming presentation for a great Larry West trick. Using giant bills, the magician gives Rocco and the audience a lesson in arithmetic.
Rocco Returns - Rocco's back, with a lesson in Find the Lady. This routine for Ton Onosaka's Lucky Lady provides valuable information concerning the motivated handling of props.
Ring Fright - Michael synthesizes ideas from Gaetan Bloom and Terri Rogers to produce a remarkable two object transposition. And because no pulls are used, no harm can come to the spectator's finger ring.
Take a Letter - A weird effect using common stationery items. Never have so many magical principles been used in the cause of such a strange routine.
Butte Ox? Two Butte Ox! - Michael's handling for the classic Johnny Paul Cheek to Cheek effect. Hilarious and a lesson in intelligent, motivated card handling. And the Unbelievably Useful Comedy Prop comes into its own. This routine is a mainstay of Michael's stand-up act.
Bonus routine!- Michael performs (but does not explain) Stupid Travelers. Never has masterful card technique and maniacal behavior been combined in such a silly way. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll phone the authorities.
Rubik's Dollar Bill - A penetration effect using a dollar bill, a playing card, and a toothpick. This is the first time all the work has been explained on video!
The Growing Toothpick - Thirty seconds of eye-candy, as a toothpick triples in length.
Origami Bill Production - A simple and flashy way to give the spectators an origami souvenir. A borrowed bill instantly folds itself into an origami figure. Attach the bill to your business card and you've got the perfect give-away.
The Frog Prince - Hailed by the cognoscenti as one of the new "classics" of close-up magic, and one of the most astounding and memorable card routines ever created. A freely selected card transposes with a card which has been folded into an origami frog. An absolute reputation maker.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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