"A lot of apps come and go with trends. Maxim lives on my homescreen. It's genius."
- Christian Grace
MAXIM is a covert app that instantly calculates and discreetly delivers to you the perfect hands-off reveal for any freely named card in a deck that's been mixed by the spectators.
You hand the spectator a deck. (in any stack of your choice).
They "shuffle" the deck under the table or behind their back whilst freely naming any card. Let's say the name the "King of Diamonds".
They bring the deck out and immediately you know up to three different ways that they can reveal their own card. For example; They deal down to the exact date of the month and their card is exactly there!
All without any brain work, math, no nothing. Allowing you to be fully engaged in your performance.
Any random card at any arbitrary number is more impressive to magicians than laymen. But when the number has meaning, whether it's counting to their birthday, spelling the card's name or even counting to the exact date of the year, the boring old ACAAN takes on new life, feels more personal and more importantly more magical.
The beauty of maxim, unlike most other apps, is that your phone is used in a covert way, and to the spectator has nothing to do with the trick.
- Easy to do. Perfect for beginners.
- You do not need to know any stack. There is zero memory work. No mental math at all.
- Works in any language and can be fully customized.
- Works with any stack in the world. Including a visual stack editor.
- Every reveal can be fully customized.
- Multiple input options.
- Multiple peek options including notifications.
- Customizable spectator profiles to take MAXIM to miracle status.
MAXIM is an app that lives on your phone. With you everywhere you go. Ready to perform at a moment's notice anywhere, anytime.
Never before has it been so easy, to perform such unexplainable miracles.
With MAXIM, now you can.
Available for Apple and Android.
Maxim will be unavailable for download on the Google Play store, as we update the app to include new google security standards. Existing Android users will remain unaffected, and will be able to continue accessing their app so long as it remains installed on their devices. iOS users will be completely unaffected.
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Bei diesem Produkt handelt es sich um eine Download-Datei. Kein Kinderspielzeug. Nicht für Kinder geeignet.
Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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