The Cups & Balls always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.
Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 2 Volume, Master Course on Cups & Balls.
This is a complete and advanced comprehensive tutorial on Cups & Balls , using step-by-step instruction to teach you everything from masterful tricks to the most advanced routines. Classic sleight of hand skills, props and techniques are all explained in the thorough detail previously only obtained with private lessons.
DARYL brings decades of experience and an easy-to-understand teaching style in a multi-camera production designed to show you everything you need to know with the Master Course in Cups & Ball Magic.
Vol 1 includes:
Origination of cups and balls
Specific types of props to incorporate
Specific types of cups to use
Specific type of balls to use
Details of handling for performances
- shuttle pass
- inside and between cups
- fundamental moves and misdirection
- fake open load under cup
- roll through
- concealing a ball
- galloping post
- pinky move
- Fako move
- stealing a sponge ball from a cup
- vanishes
- loading a mouth up cup
- misc. cups and balls effects
- Charlie Miller move
Charlie Miller Elimination Sequence
Daryl's routine
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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