Welcome to the wonderful card magic of Ed Marlo!
Ed Marlo, the genius of construction, and the incomparable Bill Malone, the brilliant performer, come together in this landmark anthology, as Bill performs and explains some of Marlo's finest contributions to card magic, compiled by Bill from Ed's writings and their personal sessions!
Join Bill as he guides you step by step through what will undoubtedly become the greatest and best collection of Marlo material...ever. "I'm very excited about this project and I'm sure Ed would have been as well!"
- Muriel Marlo
Immediate Bottom Deal - Four spectators find the ir cards just by saying stop as the magician deals the cards slowly and fairly to the table!
Diamond Cut Diamond - You will add this to your repertoire! Dave Solomon meets Eddie Marlo!
21-Card Trick - A trick everyone knows brought to another level by Marlo, Draun and Solomon! A great routine!
Surrounded Open Travelers - This one can be done surrounded!
Marlo on the Benzais Spin-Out
The Lessinout Stack / Steve Draun's "Lightning Fast Poker" - A lesson in gambling that will blow them away!
Mental Reverse - A thought-of card reverses itself in the pack! Another Marlo classic.
Direct Transposition, Part One - A transposition like no other!
Visual Transposition, Part Two - This one looks like trick photography! A card in the deck transposes with a card in the magician's pocket!
Professional Ace Cutting - Shuffle the deck and cut to the Aces! Simply one of the best Ace-cutting routines ever created!
Four Burglars - The classic story with a twist at the end!
The Vanishing 11 - A whole packet of cards just disappears! This routine never fails to get a great reaction!
WOW! - A card instantly disappears while trapped between the two red Kings, and it reappears back in the middle of the deck! You will watch this one twice!
Unbelievable Aces - Without a doubt, one of Marlo's finest Ace assemblies!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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