The two videos in this package are extracted from the Confessions of a Hypnotist - Live training set, which is also available from all Major Magic Dealers.
These two videos, together, comprise a total of two hours and twenty minutes of eye-opening instruction. In Magic of Metaphor & Healing Power of Magical Stories, you will learn secrets, ploys, and techniques taught nowhere else!
You'll discover how to weave stories around simple magic tricks, both for adults and children. These stories can provide a genuine therapeutic value to the people watching and participating in the experience.
Jonathan Royle demonstrates and explains how to use simple magic tricks as an actual hypnotic induction process.
You'll witness and learn how to use the Vanishing Cigarette in Silk trick to actually help people to quit smoking!
Imagine using color changing silks to help people genuinely overcome worries, stress, anxiety, and other emotional issues.
Sponge balls are used to help children overcome issues and problems in their life in a truly magical way -- offering help with "healing" for them.
You'll also learn how to make people think they have been hypnotized. For example, they drink cola and will swear that it tasted like, and was, fizzy orange! This reality-bending illusion requires no genuine hypnosis at all.
And throughout, you'll learn the lessons of how metaphors (both visually and verbally) can be woven into simple magic tricks. This can turn an ordinary magical effect into potentially life-changing miracles and memorable experiences for those who witness and take part in them.
These secrets can be invaluable to psychological mind therapy practitioners of all kinds, who are seeking novel and entertaining ways to help their clients. But even more, these secrets can be of immense use to magicians and mystery arts performers who want to create REAL MAGIC for their audiences!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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