We are all influenced by someone we know, maybe a season of magic from guys like David Blaine, Justin Willman or you saw the internet going crazy with viral videos of magicians doing street magic and now you are eager to learn how to perform magic tricks too. When starting in magic, it can be a little overwhelming knowing there is so much content and creators to learn from but you don't know where to start to get learn your card basics and fundamentals from, which is why we have readied this download to help you begin your journey of card magic with us. This download is packed with a total of 50 card moves which includes fundamentals, shuffles, color changes, magic tricks, controls and even a few cardistry moves that you will learn quickly, even if you are just a beginner. All you need is a deck of cards and just a bit of practice to start your journey in card magic without worrying about the need to master a ton of difficult sleight of hand , because we have made things very easy and streamlined this download for people who have just started into magic.
So download this and start learning cool card magic and start amazing friends and family in no time
Runtime: 124 minutes and 54 seconds
List of moves taught on the download.
1. Hindu Shuffle
2. Hindu Control
3. Hindu Force
4. Classic Mentalism Trick - Name Any Thought of Card
5. Overhand Shuffle
6. Overhand Shuffle Control
7. Straddle Grip
8. Riffle Shuffle
9. Riffle Shuffle Card Control
10. Pinky Break
11. Swing Cut
12. Undercut Card Control
13. Thumb Break
14. Double Lift - Dribble Method
15. Double Lift - Riffle Method
16. Dealers Grip / Mechanics Grip
17. Standard Double Lift
18. Push Off Break
19. Pushoff Double Lift
20. Marlo's Tilt Move
21. Rising Card
22. Classic Plam
23. Palm Color Change
24. Double Spin Convincer
25. Tenkai Palm
26. 4 Aces Trick
27. Vernon False Cut
28. Twirl Change
29. One Handed Table Fan
30. One Handed Card Shoot
31. Erdnase Color Change
32. Ribbon Spread
33. Ribbon Spread Wave
34. Rainbow Ribbon Spread
35. Snap Change
36. Popcake Cardistry Control
37. Palm Switch
38. One Handed Charier Cut
39. One Handed Revolution Cut
40. 4 Ace Pop Production
41. Thumb Switch
42. DB Card Truimph
43. Sandwich Trick
44. Impossible Card Locator
45. Rub A Dub Vanish
46. Card To Pocket
47. Card Transposition
48. Palm Beach Change
49. Paint Brush Change
50. Mexican Turnover Switch
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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