The most IMPOSSIBLE virtual prediction is finally here!
- Have your spectator name any celebrity.
- Plan a Dream Vacation.
- Generate a new PIN number.
- Draw something.
- Name a Card.
- Name a person.
- Name any word from any book, with the title and the page number.
- Serial numbers.
With the
Manoj Prediction System this is now not just possible but also super easy and clean to predict anything that your spectator can think of.
The Manoj Prediction System has been the showstopper of the very innovative virtual show-TRAPPED and every magician who attended it was amazed at the impossibility of the GRAND FINALE affect- The Manoj Prediction! After numerous requests to buy this prediction, this one-of-a-kind prediction system is now available for the first time worldwide.
In these times when virtual shows are becoming "the thing" and "interactive" has become the new mantra of every virtual show. You need a GRAND FINALE that is absolutely dreamlike.
The Manoj Prediction - gives you the power to do these amazing GRAND FINALE predictions that no one could have imagined.
Everything that you demand in a perfect prediction system (in the virtual world) is incorporated.
- Easy to use.
- Customizable.
- Single person operated.
- Prediction is in full view. (No part of the Prediction ever goes out of the frame.)
- Resets in seconds (You can reset in front of the audience).
Effects included:
Celebrity: Your prediction is sitting in full view whole time covered. Your audience names ANY celebrity. You uncover the pad and the you have already predicted THAT celebrity.
Dream Vacation: You ask your audience to name ANY country in the world. Not just that but also a date, when they would like to visit this country. You show your prediction and it matches their choices, precisely.
PIN Number: This is the BEST pin number reveal ever, there is no mathematical process, you can show your prediction in the same instant.
Playing Cards: We all love card tricks. You place a card on the table covered with a piece of paper. You ask your spectator to name ANY card. That's it, with no funny moves you lift the paper covering the card to reveal that it's the same card that your spectator named.
This is just the beginning. Learn the method now and start to reveal the IMPOSSIBLE!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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