THE WELCOME MAT - An introduction to Ross Bertram's amazing innovation in a performing surface for close-up magic. After witnessing an amazing demonstration of its possibilities, you'll learn its diabolical secret, how to make it and how to utilize it. Then, you'll be treated to performances and explanations of how to use the Welcome Mat for the Cut and Restored Rope, Sponge Balls and a great routine using Silver and Chinese coins.
MONEY MEN OF MAGIC - In this segment, you'll see Ross Bertram perform innovative coin magic inspired by great coin magicians of the past such as Downs, Miller, Shaw, Manuel and Bertram himself. Effects and sleights demonstrated include: Coin Production, Paper Fold Vanish, Coin Roll, One Coin Across, Two Halves & A Quarter, Coin & Glass Penetration, Bill Coin Rise, Four Coin Vanish, The Black Watch, Four Coin Fingertip Production, Coin Star
COINMASTER - This film features more of the superb, visual coin magic that made Ross Bertram a legendary name in the history of sleight-of-hand magic. You'll see performances that include: Bare Handed Vanish & Appearance, One Coin Routine, Dime to Jumbo Coin & Back, Spellbound Moves, Vanishes & Changes, Jumbo Coin Production, Four Coin Production, Newspaper Coin Fold, Four Halves to Four English Pennies, Six Coins From Nowhere, Three Coins Across, Jumbo Coin & Fan Vanish
THE MAGIC HANDS OF ROSS BERTRAM - Amazing and visual card magic from a master. Watch as Bertram performs: A Fingertip Card Change, The Pivot Change, The Revolutionary Card, A One-Handed Card Change, The Birdcage Card Vanish, A Color Change Symphony, The Supreme Card Transposition, A Squeeze Production, The Ultimate Vanish & Reproduction
EGYPTIAN BALL - An amazing piece of magic where a white ball, wrapped in a scarf and isolated in a glass, changes places with a red ball. Visual manipulative magic at its best!
THE STARS OF MAGIC COIN ROUTINES - All five of Ross Bertram's legendary coin contributions to the classic Stars of Magic series performed and explained! You'll see - and learn: Rubdown, Double-Cross, Passing the Half-Bucks, The Porous Paw, Coin Assembly
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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