Imagine being able to perform endless Mentalism effects using ONE, single method!
Imagine that Method being the simplest thing to do!
Can you lift your own hand?
Imagine being able to know what a person is thinking of by JUST lifting your own hand!
Now: STOP imagining. LIFT exists!
Nefesch has kept this Mentalism technique, involving one single movement, close to his heart for years. Now, he's sharing it with the magic community.
Use LIFT to achieve any mind reading act you want.
Routines Include:
- Psychological Draw Duplication
- Dreams
- Q&A
- Newspaper/Book test
- And more...
Shot in High Definition and over 1 HR and 45 Mins.
"Well, I have to say this is one of the best and cleanest methods I have seen in a long time for gathering unknowable information. I WILL use this and will have a blast doing so. I must thank Nefesch for releasing this as it is absolutely impromptu, and gives me a tool to use when someone asks me to perform some mentalism on the spot. I am a magic creator who loves psychokinetic, fire, and obviously supernatural looking effects, and this will join the ranks of those illusions. The spectator will feel it is absolutely impossible. That launches it into the realm of the supernatural...therefore I love it. Thank you Nefesch. Do yourself a favor, buy this and add it to your arsenal of amazing impromptu magic!" -
MATT SCONCE CREATOR OF NOTES"Lift is awesome! So many applications and completely impromptu! Not just a peek, but a steal, a load, a switch - I'm bubbling over with ideas for this little gem!" -
DEE CHRISTOPHER"LIFT is one of the most bold, barefaced, audacious and shameless bits of business I ever saw in action. AND IT WORKS!" -
Paolo CavalliAlso includes a walk around method to perform the Dreams Routine Nefesch performed on the Next Uri Geller Show
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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