Born into a showbiz family, Royle made his stage debut as Flap the Clown at age 3, and performed on Gandey's Circus. To date, he is rapidly approaching 40 years of experience performing for children's parties and family-friendly style events.
His father, Tizzy the Clown, has over 60 years' experience of entertaining kids and family audiences alike. This large-format (A4), 35-page PDF manual is accompanied by 17 full-color photographs, and provides access to numerous videos (combined duration of well over three hours of footage). The videos include samples of live show segments. Royle lifts the lid on his entire children's and family show!
You are given the complete running order of his 60-minute audience-tested show. Also explained is how you can make the show shorter and change bits as needed from time to time.
Each segment and routine of the show is broken down and explained. In this manner, you'll clearly understand how aspects have been structured for maximum continuity and moments of strong magic. These are combined with verbal and visual gags, bits of business and audience participation for full enjoyment.
You'll discover how to put together the entire one-hour show, at the time of writing (Jan 2017) for around £107 Sterling which is approx. $134 US Dollars or 124 Euros.
If you market yourself right, you should be able to recoup your entire investment with the very first show that you book!
Along the way, Royle points you in the right direction with all the advice you'll ever need to truly put yourself on the M.A.P.P. -- by mastering the arts of marketing, advertising, publicity, and promotion.
The subjects of party games, balloon modeling, face-painting and other allied arts are also touched upon. You'll be directed to tons of invaluable further advice (at no additional cost) and information to set you on the path to success.
This PDF is aimed directly at the person who desires starting their own children's and family style magic shows, and wants to knock years of trial and error off their learning curve.
While it is not intended for the experienced children's or family entertainer, they will certainly find much value within the pages -- including the wonderful "Where's Issac?" Invisible Pet Fish Running Gag and the "Mother & Child" Comedy Dressing Up Routine.
This is a complete, ready-to-perform show. It packs small and plays massive!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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