Jeff Sheridan is one of magic's most original thinkers and on this video, he shares some of his favorite and most closely guarded effects.
Lost And Found Bill - A borrowed bill's serial number matches the performer's prediction - which just happens to be gold-embossed on his wallet.
Triple Headline Prediction - Combine the classic effects of Mental Epic and Clipline and you have an amazing effect that will confound even those who are in the know!
Jumping And Linking Pocket Watch - A pocket watch visibly leaps from the performer's pocket and attaches itself to its chain. This is visual magic that defies explanation!
Cut And Restored String - Two pieces of string are cut in the fairest possible manner yet are restored by the performer.
Traveling Knot - A scaled-down version of Pavel's classic concept. A length of thread is threaded through a piece of straw. The straw is cut, obviously cutting the string, also. However, the straw is moved along the length of thread until the spectator says stop. The straw is removed to show that the cut point has apparently moved with the straw.
Dime And Penny - Every magician started with this trick but Jeff Sheridan shows you how to make it into a miracle. A coin visibly turns into another and then penetrates a solid sheet of rubber to fall into a glass.
Sheridan Princess - Three pairs of cards are placed under wooden plaques. The performer removes one card from under each plaque, correctly predicting the spectator's choice in each case. A triple miracle!
Card Stab - Another classic of magic given the Sheridan treatment. A selected card is shuffled into the pack, which is then wrapped in a napkin. The performer thrusts a knife through the napkin, impaling the
selected card.
Cold Capsule - Imagine the look on your spectators' faces as a common cold capsule pill dances and animates above your outstretched hand with no apparent means of locomotion. Then, a borrowed ring literally hovers in the air, again with no visible means of support.
Clone Cards - Wild Card outdone! Several cards turn into a duplicate of a selected card. For the incredible finale, the entire deck is spread to show that every card now matches the selection!
Secret Slate - The performer is able to flawlessly pick out the business card the spectator has initialed or has drawn a picture on, no matter how much the face-down cards are mixed.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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