Learn some of the most deceptive magic ever created, by a modest man, Elmer Biddle...
5 Impromptu effects plus a BONUS trick!
Included with this e-book are 3 videos and 10 pictures.
This e-book is a deep-dive into the famous "Biddle Move",
which is composed of The Biddle Steal and the much less
known, The Biddle Switch - and all 5 tricks are IMPROMPTU!
The videos teach the proper way to perform both Biddle
Moves with in-depth instruction - plus the 4 as 5 Count.
BONUS Effect!
A 6th trick taught here is topological and can be used as a
fun ESP effect or a straight up prediction! A written message
on the card box cellophane changes into another message!
All 6 tricks are in the author's regular repertoire.
Included is a Bio of Elmer Biddle and an Introduction that is a must-read!
NOTE: Many of the included effects have been in other e-books by
Paul Lelekis, so you may opt to not buy this tome. However you may
miss some superior instruction on the Biddle Moves.
B-FLY - This excellent version of the Biddle Trick uses only
ten cards and is a real stunner...and it's easy to do.
21st Century 21 Card Trick - This a beautiful version of a Marlo effect that Paul has revised to be EASY to do! A selection, unknown to the performer travels to three piles of cards in an amazing fashion...highly interactive!
E-Z Cards Across - Many Pro magicians have chosen to perform Paul's exceptional 2-stage version of this hilarious CLASSIC! It doesn't get any easier than this!
The Invisible Card - Another classic of magic that was popularized by the late Paul Cummins. This effect is a must for every magician's repertoire.
A Devilish Miracle II -LEARN THE BIDDLE SWITCH here. One of Paul's very favorite effects - and it is a stunner! Two spectator's selections transpose with absolutely no clue as to how this is possible! This showcase will be one of your very favorite tricks to perform...guaranteed.
The Hidden Message is a real winner! Write a message or 'bar code' or anything you wish on the side of a deck of cards - then shake the deck and the
message turns into an answer or a hilarious response - have fun with your spectators with this one!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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