Dee Christopher exposes the his methodology to recreate the trickery, deception and fraud under taken by the world's leading psychics, psychokinetics and mediums.
Unlike other studies of this nature in the parapsychological world, the author's background lies in the art of conjuring, sleight of hand and mentalism. You will learn how to replicate these demonstrations.
This is the limited edition EXTENDED version of HTGAWM, containing all of the expanded information left out of the first volume - Think of this as HTGAWM meets The Psychokinesis Handbook in a luxury, square shaped book with laminated covers.
Christopher divulges the secrets held close by these figures who have conned the world into believing their skills are real and offers an insight into the mind of the professional liar.
All of the techniques described in this book (unless otherwise noted) have been developed by Dee Christopher through many years of study, development of published techniques and brand new thoughts and ideas that have never been shared in the past.
This tome is the ideal handbook for any performer (magician, mentalist, psychic entertainer, bizarre entertainer) looking to include psychic or psychokinetic demonstrations in their work for fun or profit.
When you buy the Limited Edition Book, you will also receive the instant download PDF free of charge.
Full Contents:
An introduction to deception.
How to lie.
Section One: The Psychokinetic.
Spoon Bending;History. Misdirection. What kind of spoons to bend. The thumb bend. The pick up bend. The DC neck twist. The synthetic arc bend. Optics. Fatigue. The revolution switch. The DC neck twist: 2. The isolation experiment.
A complete spoon bending routine (With full scripting).
Coin Bending; History & recommendations. Altered. Swivel Bend. Syn. Hallucination. Heating coins. Coin bend optics. iSO: Isolated coin bend. iSO: Simplified handling.
Key Bending; History. Key switching. Flux key bend. FIVE-ZERO.
Controlling a compass.
Influencing a falling die.
Influencing a random number generator. (Thoughts)
Moving items; History & recommendations. The Clothesline technique.
Further reading list on psychokinesis.
Section Two: The Psychic.
Psychic HealingHistory. The basic method. The swab hideout. The naked method. The sleeve method.
PsychometryThe block technique for hands off psychometry.
Thought ReadingIntroduction. Peeks, tears or impression pads? DC peek envelope technique.
The AccompliceUsing the accomplice. The Ruskin Sessions Video (Inc. After-Dark). Other ways to use the accomplice. Syllacode.
Creating Believable Demonstrations
Final Notes
Pages: 100 - 7.5" x 7.5" - PDF format
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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