L&L Publishing is proud to again present one of the funniest magicians on the planet, Bill Malone, in "Here I Go Again!" Bill needs no introduction to the magic world and is still one of the busiest magicians in corporate entertainment today!
His first video set, "On the Loose," is regarded as one of the finest collections ever released. Once again, from the shuffled mind of Bill Malone, comes more of the most entertaining magic ever caught on video. With everything from self-working effects to advanced sleight of hand, this incredibly funny series offers something for everyone.
Here he shares it all-the presentations, the secrets, the tips and touches that come from years of experience, plus discussions on business that will help bring your magic career to a different level! Sit back, relax and get ready to blast off! As Bill says: "Here I go again!"
Thinking Man's Sponge Ball Routine! - A sponge ball routine you will use! Bill's performed this routine for over 25 years!
Marlo's Color-Changing Deck Routine! - Bill's presentation and touches on another Marlo masterpiece!
Mind-Reading Magician! - Bill's presentation and thoughts on the Chicago Opener/Red Hot Mama!
Keeping My Money Safe! - S.A.N.D.Y. This is an absolutely unbelievable Coins Across by Bill's friend, Dave Neighbors. This routine is a killer!
Dealing A Good Hand! - Bill's handling of the famous Marlo-Gardner Poker Deal!
The Six-Card Trick! - "Sorry for the Delay" - A Joe Riding effect with touches and additions by Bill and his old friend from the New York Magic Lounge, Terry Vecky!
Bonus Tricks
Ravelli's Waterfall Shuffle - Ron Wohl's brilliant false shuffle from the late 1960s!
Steve Forte's "No Look Aces" - From "The Man" himself! Steve allowed Bill to share this great visual Ace cutting demonstration!
Bill's Tips
Putting Together a Stand-Up Show
My Trade Show Pitch
Drilling a Good Show Into Your Head
Following Up With Your Clients
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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