L&L Publishing is proud to again present one of the funniest magicians on the planet, Bill Malone, in "Here I Go Again!" Bill needs no introduction to the magic world and is still one of the busiest magicians in corporate entertainment today!
His first video set, "On the Loose," is regarded as one of the finest collections ever released. Once again, from the shuffled mind of Bill Malone, comes more of the most entertaining magic ever caught on video. With everything from self-working effects to advanced sleight of hand, this incredibly funny series offers something for everyone.
Here he shares it all-the presentations, the secrets, the tips and touches that come from years of experience, plus discussions on business that will help bring your magic career to a different level! Sit back, relax and get ready to blast off! As Bill says: "Here I go again!"
Autographed Baby Gag! - A great opening for any stand-up act! Bill gives this comedy routine a clever twist!
A Small Card Trick! - A very visual close-up version of the Diminishing Cards!
Marlo's Miracle Ace Cutting! - A sure-fire ending for Ed Marlo's legendary Ace cutting routine.
Jumping, Changing and Vanishing Aces! - Enjoy Bill's version of Larry Jennings' "Slap Aces."
Shuffling Off the Spots! - Bill's "All Backs and Faces" routine, a nice interlude to perform anytime, anywhere, with any deck.
Lightning Fast Triumph! - (Marlo's Simple Triumph) This version of Triumph will take you by surprise!
Rub-a-Dub-Dub / Cups and Balls - (With Special Thanks to Phil Willmarth) Worth the whole price of the set! Jack Bateman's classic Cups and Balls poem with a knock-out finale by Lance Pierce!
Bonus Tricks:
Bill's Trademark Cards from Mouth - At last, Bill reveals the real work on the Cards from Mouth!
Jack In a Box - A quickie using just one card and the card box.
Bill's Tips:
Taking It to the Next Level
Situating Yourself in the Right Place
Secrets to Increase Your Quick Wit Abilities
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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