Comedy Bits and Magic Routines features Harry in his natural environment, in front of a fun-loving audience, demonstrating his favorite magic effects and showing off his encyclopedic supply of one-liners. Along the way, you'll gain insights and learn finesses on tricks you may have resigned to your magic drawer long ago . . . if you can stop laughing long enough.
Dream Bag - A flat paper bag magically produces three jumbo crystal flower boxes and three 18" silks.
Foursome - Four fanned cards change to totally different cards, front and back.
Flying Cards - How about two thought-of cards vanishing from the table and appearing in the spectator's pocket. Unbelievable!
Mesh Coin Bag - Two quarters magically appear inside an obviously empty mesh bag. If that's not enough, the two quarters turn into a half dollar, then into a jumbo half
Future Mental - Mentalism at its best. A thought-of colored ball vanishes and appears in the magician's pocket. Repeated with no reset.
Alligator Coins - Two half-dollars change into two English pennies.
Triception - ESP magic where the spectator calls the shots and all predictions come out correctly.
Calculator Prediction - You can predict names in phone books, Bibles, or textbooks with a calculator that you have no control over.
Golden Key - Move the parts of a key in all directions, then hand it out as it turns into a normal key.
Psychic Escape - A visual penetration of a thought-of colored lifesaver disc from a cord.
Card in Glass - A selected card is shuffled and left in a glass by the spectator.
Silk to Flame - From bare hands, you produce a silk, then turn it into fire, only to have it all vanish.
X-act Match - A thought-of card is the only card in the deck with an "x" on the back. No force, no roughing fluid, no set-up.
Shrinking Die - A normal-sized die diminishes to a tiny die.
Wonder Bar - Levitation at its best. A three-inch bar floats in and out of a test tube
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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