This astonishing three-volume set teaches you some of the most entertaining magic you'll ever see. This is the magic that earned Daryl the title of "The World Champion Magician's Magician" and he will captivate you with these mysteries. Oh, and did we mention that you should be ready to laugh and laugh? Each volume contains an incredible variety of close-up, cabaret and impromptu magic, with many easy-to-do and self-working effects. In addition to the popular impromptu quick tricks, Daryl also teaches many full routines, complete with snappy patter and professional presentations. And, as if all of this weren't enough, each volume also begins with approximately 30 minutes of Daryl performing these Fooler Doolers as a hugely entertaining show which could be shared with non-magician friends and family.
Volume One
Volume One contains a huge range of commercial magic, using many items from ropes to sponge balls, from cards to silks - and much more! Amongst these miracles, you will learn one of the simplest, most effective and completely impromptu versions of the cups and balls - probably the only version you will ever need! Also, see Daryl turn the rarely seen "Mystery of the Traveling Marbles" into an impromptu masterpiece - and teach you step by step to do the same! Contains:
- Bennett's Boner (Horace Bennett)
- Instantaneous Knot
- Pretzel Knot
- Dai Vernon's Climax to a Dice Routine (Dai Vernon)
- Daryl's Color Changing Knives (Daryl)
- Four of a Kind (Dai Vernon)
- The Trick Question (Brother John Hamman, Daryl) \
- Chinese Laundryman (Eric D. Widger)
- Mystery of the Traveling Marbles (Silent Mora, Daryl)
- As Many and As Much As You (Jon Racherbaumer, Daryl)
- Sponge Ball Routine (Daryl) Cup and Ball (Daryl)
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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