The first part of the video goes over the basics of IT, wax and stripping IT.
Leon offers us a good example of a small portable IT kit, and a very clever IT dispenser style device, using a common office product.
He gives a good solid explanation of the basics. Nothing new to those of us who know IT work, but a good summation nonetheless.
We then move on to the "Speed Hookup" which is essentially a LeClair variant but a clever one. I'll admit that I had not seen this technique for anchoring used before... waxless anchoring to the body? Yup. And there are clear advantages to Leon's method.
Second Hookup:
It's refreshing to see *someone* using long IT theory. This technique is clever, as it allows for backup length for breakage, and sets you up for later effects. Leon gives a good 'out' for breakage here.
The Spins:
Rather than cover these individually, I'll go over the salient points.
Traditional Spin- we all know this one. But do you know what and where the 'catching zone' is?
Snap Spin- An alternate and more showy method of starting the card spinning.
Kick Spin- For a controlled, close quarters spin.
Vertical Spin- a unique spin for camera and very close work.
Deck Spin- Spinning a card from the top of the deck!
Wax Tips:
Tips on how to surreptitiously anchor the wax and how to end clean.
There are some really good practical workers tips here. Don't overlook this section.
The Moves:
Hand to Hand Tossing- The finer points on hand to hand floats.
Around the Body (v.1)- tips and technique for the around the body float. Not as easy as it seems!
Around the Body (v.2)- further practical tips on pulling off the around the body float.
Around the Body (deck spin)- Combining the deck spin with the around the body float.
Vertical Around the Body- Around the body vertical float. Yes, vertical. Advanced.
Basic Hoop- Techniques for creating 'provers' using your arms and fingers.
Figure 8 Hoop- Make the card circle both your arms, individually!
Vertical Hoop- Hooping on the vertical!
Up and Over- Very nice flourish type move.
Thumb Spin- Using the Z grip concept to create a visual impossibility.
Combining various moves, matching the flow of various moves to create a routine.
Utilizing the fine points of centrifugal force to smooth your spins.
IT Tension:
The importance of IT tension and learning to 'listen' to your IT.
Around the Body Tips:
Advanced tips and refinements for the around the body spin.
Around the Body Recovery:
What to do when the card *doesn't* go all the way around you...
Card Fall:
Nice flourish float
Floating to Hand:
How to bring your cards to you. The impact of IT length and why changing it during performance is important.
PK Pen:
A classic that instantly resets.
Double Floating Card:
Honestly- THIS should have been the title of the video and the main sell point.
They might have seen one... but two? You know you've thought about it, and if your IT work isn't complex enough... try this advanced IT work. Also: Untangling your tangles the easy way.
Around the Body to Double Card:
Transition idea for ATB to DC
Haunted Deck:
Teaches the classic Haunted Deck routine. Nothing new, but a good presentational tidbit, though.
Cap and Glass:
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is the real hidden gem of the DVD/download.
A fantastic routine for close up or walk around.
Gutsy, bold and clever, this multistage routine with the magic up close and personal.
Closing thoughts:
Some personal background, thoughts on IT work, and the power of magic.
The above overview was written and provided courtesy of Chris Davis.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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