Falkenstein 17-minute Blindfold Mindreading Act-For the first time on any video, Glenn Falkenstein reveals his award-winning signature blindfold mindreading act that has kept him at the top of his profession for over two decades. Glenn takes you through a step-by-step demonstration of blindfolds, billets, masks, answering questions, handling volunteers, sidestepping difficult situations, avoiding pitfalls, and adapting to various performing situations. Glenn shares priceless tips gleaned over a lifetime of performances, including getting booked and RE-booked! Falkenstein & Willard's Two-Way Mindreading Act-Learn the act called "Fifty Years From Now" as taught by The Great Mardoni & Louise. Frances Willard is introduced and blindfolded by Glenn. Glenn circulates among the audience while Frances describes and names the objects handed to Glenn by spectators. The act concludes with Frances calling out the serial number on a dollar bill. Learn the sure-fire method of guessing articles, names, numbers, places, and thought-of questions. This two-person thought transference act demonstrates a psychic rapport between two bonded individuals of the mind. The Gypsy Mystery Rope Escape-Finally!!! The answer to a magician's prayers. An illusion which can be performed anywhere with little preparation. This act plays big and packs small and is loaded with surprises and laughs using one spectator from the audience. Don't underestimate the impact of this routine as a smash finish for corporate events, private parties, cruise lines, club dates, stage, or TV talk shows. This illusion alone is worth more than the price of the entire video set!
Volume 2 Explanations
Falkenstein 17-minute Blindfold Mindreading Act - For the first time on any video, Glenn Falkenstein reveals his award-winning signature blindfold mindreading act that has kept him at the top of his profession for over two decades. Glenn takes you through a step-by-step demonstration of blindfolds, billets, masks, answering questions, handling volunteers, sidestepping difficult situations, avoiding pitfalls, and adapting to various performing situations. Glenn shares priceless tips gleaned over a lifetime of performances, including getting booked and RE-booked!
Falkenstein & Willard's Two-Way Mindreading Act - Learn the act called "Fifty Years From Now" as taught by The Great Mardoni & Louise. Frances Willard is introduced and blindfolded by Glenn. Glenn circulates among the audience while Frances describes and names the objects handed to Glenn by spectators. The act concludes with Frances calling out the serial number on a dollar bill. Learn the sure-fire method of guessing articles, names, numbers, places, and thought-of questions. This two-person thought transference act demonstrates a psychic rapport between two bonded individuals of like mind.
The Gypsy Mystery Rope Escape - Finally!!! The answer to a magician's prayers. An illusion which can be performed anywhere with little preparation. This act plays big and packs small and is loaded with surprises and laughs using one spectator from the audience. Don't underestimate the impact of this routine as a smash finish for corporate events, private parties, cruise lines, club dates, stage, or TV talk shows. This illusion alone is worth more than the price of the entire video set!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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