Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Pickpocketing Volume #1, Watch and Jewelry Removal.
This Download will teach you, step-by-step, how to remove the following:
-Alligator Clasps
-Rolex Expanding Metal Clasps
-Leather Banded Expanding Clasps
-Leather Band Buckles
-C-Clasped Bands
-Velcro Clasped Bands
-Expanding Metal Stretch Bands
-Rubber and Plastic Buckle Bands
Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Pickpocketing Volume #2, Pickpocketing.
Nicholas Byrd and James Coats discuss body positioning, scoping & spotting, patter, and the theories behind the physical touch that will allow you to successfully incorporate pickpocket entertainment into your show.
This Download will teach you, step-by-step, how to remove the following:
-Hanging Items (Keys, Cellular Phones, Badges, etc.)
-Items from Shirt Pockets (Cigarettes, Lighters, Pens, Glasses, etc.)
-Items from the inside or outside of a Jacket., Coat, or Blazer
Items form the front pockets of pants featuring:
The Dip
the Remington Shake
The Pop-Up
Items from Back Pockets of Pants and Wallets, featuring:
The Ravel Hang
The Modified Ravel Hang
The Dip
Learn Ricky Dunn Pickpocketing and much more...
Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Pickpocketing Volume #3, Putpocketing and Shocking Steals.
This Download will teach you, step-by-step, how to remove the following:
Putpocket Unique Items such as:
stuffed chickens and silverware
-Putpocket items that has been Pickpocketed for the ultimate reveal
-Putpocket items into backpacks and purses
-Putpocket Coins and Cards into the pockets of jackets, Pants, and Shirts
Learn shocking steals such as:
Removing a Tie
Removing Glasses from the face and body
Removing Suspenders
Removing a belt
Removing a bra
Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Pickpocketing Volume #4 - Stages, Stooges, and Table Work
Byrd and Coats discuss theory, props, tricks, and techniques you can use to successfully add pickpocketing to your stage and / or restaurant routines.
This Download will teach you, step-by-step, how to perform the following:
-Pickpocketing in a straight jacket with 3 different escapes
-The Shirt Pull
-Shadow Pickpocketing
-Stage Whispering
Pickpocket Stage gags such as:
Dirty Underwear
Underwear Pull
Pickpocket Props such as:
the Hand
the Jacket
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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