* Definition of Dare
1: An act or instance of daring.
2: Imaginative or Vivacious boldness.
As you read this book, "May your deceptions dare to dazzle and delight". May you find the imagination and boldness to take the mechanics of the tricks herein and fine the dynamics to make them dazzle and delight.
In this book, you'll learn a diverse range of unique close-up and mental magic effects --- discover how to use a GPS Card with strategic roughing techniques, how to pre-stack a deck that can be freely shuffled, accomplish the pen-thru-bill trick with a borrowed pen, learn how to visually move the profile on a coin, create a deck with 54 Locators, apply a frixion- twist on the classic TA effect, acquire the ability to echo the thoughts of a spectator, use a floating tea bag to reveal a selected card, craft a tuck case for stack-work, make a force deck with 6 target cards, learn a no-sleight cards-to-sealed-decks routine, entertain with a 15 minute dinner table routine, multiply large numbers with the slot formula and learn how to actualize code words to identify card selections.
Chapter 1: The 54 Locator Deck
Chapter 2: Jack the One-Eyed Seer
Chapter 3: Heal Bill
Chapter 4: Fraud Plus
Chapter 5: Mind Find
Chapter 6: Invisible Echoing
Chapter 7: GPS Card Locator
Chapter 8: Stuck on Six
Chapter 9: The 3 By 5 Trick
Chapter 10: Science Fiction with Frixion [Phoenix Angels]
Chapter 11: Angel Dream Catcher
Chapter 12: Sparkle, Jell-o, Snow, Wine & Space-Time
Chapter 13: Super Seer Bicycle Card Box
Chapter 14: Blue & Red Fliers
Pages: 184 - 6" x 9" - PDF Format - Full Color Photos
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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