"Dealing With It 2 is yet another outstanding collection of incredibly strong and oh so practical card magic from the mind of John Bannon. You will be fooled badly by this material and then be thrilled at how easy these miracles are to learn and perform!"
- John Carey
If you want incredibly powerful, simple to do card magic routines that can be performed with just a normal deck and your wits (no gimmicks, gaffs, mirrors, flaps or bits of elastic) then Dealing With It Season 2 has you covered! Devious construction, captivating presentations, no difficult moves - just tricks that you will be desperate to get out and perform the second you see them.
Dealing With It Season 2 showcases the six brand new routines John Bannon created for his infamous Genii magazine column in 2018. Each of these six masterpieces ably demonstrates Bannon's wily mind at work. No other magician has that uncanny knack of simplifying and streamlining tricks and somehow making them BETTER! You'll also learn the JB Double Lift - a super natural looking double lift that is easy to learn but is destined to be your go-to sleight forever!
Jump in now and start DEALING WITH IT!
Chicago Fire
La Giaconda
On The Border
Prophet Motive III
Three Part Harmony
BONUS - Flipside Assembly
BONUS II - also learn:
The JB Double Lift
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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