Brand-New Innovative Magic Brewed by One of Our Best...
From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California comes one of America's most prized collections of high-quality close-up magic. Dan Harlan's Premium Blend performances have been hand-selected from only the finest routines in his vast field of expertise. Whether you crave the luscious simplicity of powerful presentations or the deep dark smoothness of authentic sleight-of-hand, you're sure to find a flavor you cannot live without.
Volume Six - Good Spirits
- CUT DEEPER READING -- Fortune telling presentation of the Cut Deeper Force used to reveal a selected card.
- RITUAL NECKLACE -- Three beads are released from two shoelaces on which they have been tied. Includes Harlan's new method for tying the strings.
- ASHES TO ASHES -- A tissue paper ghost vanishes in a flash and reappears attached to the back of a selected card, then he vanishes again and is discovered back where he started.
- HORROR MATRIX -- Completely new presentation of Matrix in which four coins all collect under one card. The handling is easy and the story is perfect.
- SOULMATES -- A card trick performed entirely by the spectator in which God and the Devil reveal the selected card.
- YOUR SIGN -- Using some simple props, you can reveal any person's astrological sign.
- TAROT MENTAL -- A tarot reading that allows you to gain secret information as a convincer.
- VIKING FUNERAL -- A marked coin vanishes in a burst of fire and travels into a package held by a spectator.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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