This e-book presents two amazing, 4-coin Matrix routines - with many color photos of Paul performing and explaining some "key" sleights...
A 2-Card/4 Coin Matrix and a 4-Card/4-Coin Matrix Reversal. (See descriptions below)
Note: (These two matrices can be seamlessly combined with two of my other listed e-books, "Coins Thru Table" and "Double Decker" for a beautiful combined routine!)
1) The Marlo Spider Vanish
2) The Himber-Sankey False Count
The two included coin/card Matrices are designed to be "played" together, back-to-back, for a beautiful sequence that will thrill your spectators. This is professional magic at its best!
These routines are real "eye-candy" and the patter is hilarious!
The first routine will baffle your spectators because you use only 2 cards for cover... but you make the coins travel to the leader position anyway! Great funny patter here!
The second Matrix routine is a reverse matrix that uses 4 cards and 4 coins - they all gather to the leader and then BAM... they are all instantly found back at each corner... impossible!
These two effects will make your spectators' heads swim...and they are actually easy to do!
Learn some very cool sleights from Marlo, Schneider, Cummins, Sankey, as well as myself.
Download the eBook and video and start learning today.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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