"Dee is not only giving you an effect here. He is giving you a full routine that packs so small but plays so big, hits hard and leaves them with no where to go. An astouding little routine which lets you seem like a true time lord."
- Alan Rorrison
You hand a small box to an audience member at the start of your show. You have never met them before and they need not even leave their seat. You just tell them that the box will prove important later on. As your show is coming to a close, you call out for your box holding spectator and ask them to join you on stage. You ask your spectator what the time is, they say that it's about 8:45pm - And how long have you been on stage? About 45 minutes.
You then tell the spectator to put their hand over their watch and that you are going to try and move the hands all the way back to when you first came on stage tonight, as if it never happened. You make your gestures breathe deeply and have them look at what time their watch now says.
8pm. Amazing.
But it doesn't stop there, the fact is that you have been on stage for 45 minutes and several incredible things have happened. You open up the box and inside is a slip of paper, the spectator removes it and in a loud voice reads out a prediction which foretells the outcomes of many effects in the show!
This is a show closing routine - A way to perform a show prediction that has an inbuilt psychokinesis demonstration.
- This is an organic, professional routine, nothing is left out.
- You never touch the spectator's watch.
- If you don't already have the items needed at home, they can be sourced cheapy online.
- You could use just the prediction stand alone or perform a micro prediction to a macro prediction.
- No switching boxes, electronics or mechanisms to go wrong.
- NOW INCLUDED: A completely impromtu version of Cronos using no gimmicks whatsoever.
"I hate watch effects. When Dee said he'd like me to take a look at his because it was 'different' I did the polite thing and tried to squirm out of it. Eventually I read it and what he has created IS different, it IS practical and it will entertain the pace-maker right out the chests of your audiences."
- Ken Dyne"Amazing stuff, I surely will put this in my theater act, the concept is shining, the method brilliant, I ADORE IT!"
- Nefesch Pages: 20 - 6" x 9" - PDF Format
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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