Of the various plots that make up the world of coin magic, Coins Across has always held a special place in the heart, and repertoires, of close-up magicians. Audiences always seem to be intrigued by the idea of coins traveling invisibly between the performer's hands, which accounts for the enormous popularity of this very magical effect.
You'll see ten different takes on the Coins Across effect. The approaches are different but the main thing they all have in common is that there are absolutely no gaffed coins required for any of the versions presented here. You'll see Johnny Thompson perform Dai Vernon's Winged Silver, perhaps the version that started it all. Michael Ammar demonstrates why his Incredible Coins Across is appropriately named as the coins travel into the spectator's hand - and the last one appears visibly in his open hand! You'll find easy-to-do versions such as Alexander de Cova's Chinese Money Mystery and Paul Diamond's Flying Eagles to more technically-demanding versions such as Jay Sankey's Mr. Clean Coins Across, Michael Close's Too Ahead and Ross Bertram's Passing the Buck.
From classic handlings from Michael Skinner and Al Schneider to interpretations with a surprise ending, such as Fernando Keops' offering, there's enough material here to enable you to pass coins back and forth between your hands for a lifetime.
Johnny Thompson
Winged Silver
Michael Ammar
Incredible Coins Across
Al Schneider
Coins Across
Jay Sankey
Mr. Clean Coins Across
Paul Diamond
The Flying Eagles
Fernando Keops
Coins Across
Michael Skinner
Flying Eagles (Courtesy of Meir Yedid Magic)
Alexander De Cova
Chinese Money Myster (Courtesy of Murphy's Magic Inc)
Michael Close
Too Ahead
Ross Bertram
Passing the Buck
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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