Volume 3 explores Joshua's favorite genre: formal card magic. It's Joshua Jay, a deck of cards, and an astounded audience. The range of effects is equaled only by the range of methods-Joshua uses a clever blend of subtlety, sleight-of-hand, and gaffs for maximum impact. Also included is a detailed study of Triumph, the Bluff Pass, and extra footage of Joshua's gambling exposé, shot in a live theater.
Trumped Triumph: A Triumph routine with an unbelievable climax. This utilizes a fascinating principle and other ideas are included by Darwin Ortiz and Karl Heinn.
Silent Card Routine (performance only): See the formal, elegant, six-minute opening of Joshua's one-man show, shot live in front of the usual sold-out theater.
Triple Thought-of Card: Three thought-of cards. No questions asked. No preparation. No gimmicked cards. No sleights. Three thought-of cards. Works every time.
Back in Time: Joshua's workhorse Triumph routine. The presentation, the structure, the sleights, the timing...it's all worked out, ready to become your go-to card routine.
Pseudo Centers Transpo: Who said everything had to be easy? If you're willing to put in the time, this routine will have your audience convinced you're a master mechanic.
Overlap Hitchcock: A squeaky-clean assembly routine with a surprise kicker. Utilizes Joshua's ingenious Overlap gaff.
Bluff Shifts: Joshua's work on the Bluff Shift is raising eyebrows from magic's top practitioners. You'll learn three counter-intuitive approaches.
Plus: Triumph in Aces, Paradise Aces, The Book Cut, Déjà vu Collectors, and Joshua's thirteen-minute gambling exposé, shot live at his one-man show.
Extra Feature: Gambling Photos: Joshua's gallery exhibition of sleight-of-hand, depicted close-up...a combination of photography and magic.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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