"He just turned these over and it's the exact same numbers! I swear to God! I don't believe in anything other than Jesus!"
- Random Spectator
CHRONOFORCE PRO is a brand-new app that allows you to force ANY NUMBER using your phone's stopwatch.
The spectator handles the stopwatch the entire time, yet you'll still have full control to force any number or series of numbers in the most natural way possible. You'll have miracles at the push of a button!
But we didn't stop there! CHRONOFORCE PRO includes groundbreaking new peek capabilities. Never before has there been a timer force that has been so organic, practical, and devastatingly deceptive.
Crystal clean ACAANS
Book Test with any book - even a borrowed one!
Lottery predictions
Pin number reveals
Dealing demonstrations
Thought of numbers
Date of birth revelations
Tons of routines included
Customizable for to create your very own miracles
Available on both Android and iPhone
NOTE: You will receive license keys and activation instructions digitally through email or your retailer's download platform.
"The easiest and most fair looking lotto prediction on the market!"- Alejandro Hinojosa Cantu"This is such a motivated way to force any number on your audience, a must have for the modern mentalist" "this is probably my most used app.. and I have too many of them"- Charlie Hewish
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Bei diesem Produkt handelt es sich um eine Download-Datei. Kein Kinderspielzeug. Nicht für Kinder geeignet.
Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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