Twelve New Card Routines
All Using a Regular Deck.
And all at a GREAT Price!
A card attached to a ribbon with a sticker changes into the selection.
Misdirection Monte
A bluff explanation of Three Card Monte ends in the revelation of a previously signed selected card.
Claude Chandler's "Sideways Changing Card" receives the Duffie treatment.
From Beyond the Veil
A two-card discovery with a little help from the spirit world!
Biddle Wed
Another look at the classic Hofzinser plot where Kings and Queens magically marry!
Dance Steps
More Royal shenanigans.
A self-worker based (loosely) around the Card at any Number plot. The effect is "almost" hands off.
Royal Apex
You cause the four Queens to vanish one by one. Then, in a fast series of actions, you cut the deck into four piles, each with a face up King on top. Finally, you reveal that each King has found his Queen.
Populace Revisited
A different handling for a previous effect that appeared in Covert Concepts. In this version, all four Aces are visible at all times.
Post Production
A trick with an invisible Sticky Note becomes a Miracle with a "visible" Sticky Note!
Searles' Aces
My handling for an Ace effect that appeared in the Lin Searles Folio of Pallbearers Review. In this version, the X cards that are dropped on each Ace can be shown to be random cards.
Safe Cracker
A Four Spot is inserted into the deck, which you immediately crack open at the middle to reveal a display of four single spots ... the four Aces!
Pages: 47 - 8.25" x 10.7" - Hyperlinked. Fully Illustrated with color photographs. - PDF FORMAT
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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