Six Card Repeat - An ultra-easy version of this magical classic with a surprise ending guaranteed to fool even those in the know!
Borrowed Bill in Borrowed Cigarette - One half of a borrowed bill is discovered in a truly impossible place - inside a cigarette that was also borrowed!
Comedy Rope Trick - The Professor's Nightmare turned on its head! A length of rope is clearly cut into three equal pieces yet the pieces are shown to be three different lengths. They become equal yet again and one piece is thrown into the audience. The other two are tied together and then instantly restored into a single length - which may be examined!
Comedy Mindreading - Three playing cards are selected and, after several vain but amusing attempts to find them, the performer finally locates each in increasingly amazing and impossible ways.
The Fastest Card Trick in the World - Don't blink as a signed playing card and a borrowed credit card make an impossible journey.
Coin Through Sleeves - A most-magical version of the classic Winged Silver as a coin mysteriously travels from one hand, up the performer's sleeve, across his shoulders and into a glass held in the other hand. As a finale, the performer explains the process-using milk!
Bill in Lightbulb - A borrowed bill is torn in half. One half is vanished and travels into the most unlikely of places-the center of an ordinary light bulb that was burning brightly just moments before!
Bill in Lemon - If you think you know this one, you haven't seen the Lesley version. Again, one half of a borrowed bill vanishes from an envelope held by a spectator and is found inside a lemon that was in plain sight throughout.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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