There are so many benefits of using CRISIS. Some include:
- To stay economical at those unpaid charity gigs we all do.
- To be less worried about the facilities available (or unavailable) at small venues.
- To still be able to perform a great show, even if plagued by unfortunate, lost-luggage situations.
- To have a compact, yet expandable, show for unexpected impromptu gigs.
Lots of other such circumstances are the reasons behind the existence of
CRISIS is a 20-30 minute set of SEMI-SCRIPTED and FIELD-TESTED MENTALISM (predictions and mind reading). It uses nothing except a 3x3 inch STICKY NOTE PAD and A MARKER, and 3 minutes of preparation (no arts and crafts).
- Simple, direct and to the point
- No language barriers
- No psy-forces
- No gimmicks/accessories
- Nothing related to playing cards
Here are its CONTENTS:
GAME: A three phase "Which hand?" game, with a kicker ending.
LOCATION: A participant's two simple and free choices are predicted before they even think of making them.
O DEAR!: A "Living and Dead" test with happy thoughts and Sticky Notes
4 THOUGHTS: 4 people are asked to think of something about a person not present in the room. Before they say it, the performer reads each of their minds, writes down his thoughts, and reveals everything at the end to be a perfect match.
Each of these tricks/effects perfectly gel into each other and come with a few ADDITIONAL IDEAS to expand the duration of the performance. Apart from the PDF, you'll also find a supplementary video to make its contents even easier to learn.
Pages: 26
Video: 7 minutes
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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