A genius piece that only appears once in 10 years.
Created by Akio, the winner of The Japan Cup 2019. He is the real Japan champion with real talent that makes him a contestant of FISM.And it is him who can make one coin appear out of nowhere and disappear.
First, the appearance. With his fingers wide open, you can see nothing unusual from both sides of his hands. Then he reaches his hand into the air, makes a fist slowly, and a coin appears in his hand. Having every part of his hands shown openly, the coin appears under no cover at all. That's insane.
And it isn't over yet. The coin is then passed to the other hand, which holds it firmly in the palm. However, with a blow on the hand, the coin disappears. And he shows both sides of hands again, fingers wide open. Only the real magic can make a coin appear and disappear with such open hands.
You can enjoy it with various application, inserting a one coin routine between the appearance and disappearance, or using objects other than a coin.
There have been various tricks concerning the appearance and disappearnce of coins. But this is a master piece that shows the highest level of impossibility in both effects. It will definitely blow your mind.
"I watched it 5 times and gave up on figuring it out the 6th time. There are really intriguing designs under its simple look. You can easily apply it in your routine since it can be done with objects other than coins."
"This is a deceptive sequence as well a brilliant method."
-Nicholas Lawrence
"I am asked to recommend this but actually I don't. I want to keep it as my own."
- Sho Takashige
"That's exactly how it should look like if you were able to pluck a coin from thin air then vanish it!"
-Avi Yap
"Akio's magic perfectly deceived me! His magic truly reflects the current trends."
-Mr. Pearl
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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