SpencerTricks is BACK!
This is NOT an explanation of magic tricks. I explain no tricks that impresses your spectators.
C.C.D.P. can be used not only on close-up show, but also on parlor and even on stage! You can get ready in 1 second. You can set it up all day with NO STRESS. I set it up even NOW that I'm writing this letter in a cafe.
C.C.D.P. is one of the really rare effects that doesn't select performers. It follows the spectators' image of "MAGIC" and yet is not be expected.
Spectators are freaked out (sometimes scream) on the first phase, then laugh by being relieved on the second phase, then laugh out loud on the third phase. All 3 phases happened in seconds. It shakes their EMOTIONS and end up with BIG LAUGH, the range between emotions makes spectators being so relaxed. Then they go naturally into their atmosphere of "Alright, I'm gonna enjoy the show."
The MOST incredible factor on this effect is that it can solve certain problem that many magicians often encounter on their daily performances.
Honestly, my first motivation to create this effect is to solve these issues. Now I can make the moment of "THE ISSUE" into the PEAK of the show. Yes, this 5 second gag often creates the bigger moment than you create by performing the great magic tricks.
If you perform in a party or restaurant, the effect draw the attentions of other people since your spectators suddenly SCREAM & LAUGH OUT LOUD in 5 seconds. For other people smile emoticon your potential customers) think there's something extra ordinaly going on at your spot.
C.C.D.P. entertains all the people, regardless of their age, sex and nationalities. It's FULLY TESTED.
C.C.D.P. is the ULTIMATE device because of its "Practicality" and "Stress Free Concept". If you once use it, you will understand the POWER of the effect immediately.
The video is in Japanese & English. Each language section is approximately 40 minutes.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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