First TIME in MAGIC history!
No professional builder has ever shared his SECRET techniques...
This 6 Part Download set is a complete course in Illusion Building.
Everything is explained in detail from expert Illusion builder Gerry Frenette!
ALL of the information you need to know in order to build your own Illusions and box effects!
- How to do everything from driving a screw to advanced building techniques in mechanics and engineering
- How to get a great paint finish without spray equipment
- How to build illusions right in your home (in a small space)
- Complete video instructions building 3 illusion projects
- Dozens of tips, ideas and techniques using proven, stage-tested measurements
- What materials and tools to use
- How to make your illusion as deceptive as possible
- Everything you need to make SMALL stage props as well
5 Downloadable videos packed full of information, plus a 6th BONUS download containing drawings, blueprints, documents, and photos!
Part 1 Running Time
Approximately: 2 hr 37 min
Part 2 Running Time
Approximately: 2 hr 34 min
Part 3 Running Time
Approximately: 2 hr 38 min
Part 4 Running Time
Approximately: 2 hr 26 min
Part 5 Running Time
Approximately: 2 hr 46 min
Part 6 Contains Data and Blueprints
What will YOU create?"All of the stuff you NEED to know if you want to make an illusion that looks great. Highly recommended."
- Paul Daniels, England "Gerry Frenette's course is, without question, the best buy ever offered to magicians who are both performers and prop builders."
- Dick Gustafson, USA "Whether you are a magic hobbyist, amateur, semi pro or professional entertainer, this mammoth video course is a MUST HAVE for your library."
- Hans Zahn, Canada
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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