Good comedy mentalism for kids is often hard to find. This funny effect is one that kids love and can relate to. They all eat cereal and are familiar with the cereals used in this effect. Devin Knight has used this effect in his kid shows for the last few years. It plays extremely well for kids.
On the performer's table are eight packages (or one-serving boxes) of breakfast cereal. The performer invites a kid to come forward and play a game with the cereal called Eat-n-Toss. One-by-one, the performer and a kid take turns pretending to eat a package of cereal creating much laughter from the kids. As the cereals are selected, the performer makes funny comments about the selected cereal creating more laughter. After pretending to eat the cereals, the packages are tossed into a container that acts as trash bin. Both the kid and performer pretend to eat cereal (sometimes getting all the kids involved in the eating) until there are only two packages left. The kid picks up both and decides which to pretend to eat and which to keep for the last one.
At this point, there is only one cereal package left. The performer shows an inverted cereal bowl on the table. It has been in full view the entire time. The performer says he is a good guesser, because he hid under the bowl the same cereal that was left for last.
The performer lifts the bowl and sure enough, under it is a matching package of the same cereal, much to the amazement of the kids and adults watching.
Breakfast Pack Match is large colorful effect that plays big and packs small. Kid tricks can be expensive at times, but your only investment is in buying the small cereal packages, a cereal bowl and some type of container to act as the trash bin. You probably already have a cereal bowl and suitable container, so all you need to do is buy the cereal packages from your local grocery store. The cereals can be used repeatedly, because you never open them. The nice thing is that Breakfast Pack Match is extremely easy to do and is something the kids have not seen before. They will not be yelling, "I have seen that before!" This big trick at a low cost involves all the kids and creates much laughter. No skill is required and there are no sleights or special gimmicks. You can learn it in a few minutes.
Comes complete with full comedy routine that will create hilarious laughter from the kids. You get all the time-tested gags and jokes about kid's cereal. Includes valuable information on the psychology of doing mentalism for kids. This is something you will use. A must have for any kid performer.
Pages: 13 - 8.5" x 11" - PDF FORMAT
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
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Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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