These two information-packed videos are extracted from the 10-volume video set entitled "Body Language for Magicians & Mentalists," which is also available from all Major Magic Dealers.
These two videos, together, comprise a total of just over one hour and 15 minutes of in-depth instruction. Hypnotist and mind magician, Jonathan Royle, is joined by television body-language expert, Robert Phipps. Together, they reveal how to use secrets of body language to greatly enhance your magical and mentalism routines.
You'll learn how to apparently be able to reveal playing cards that people have seemingly just imagined in their mind.
You'll discover how to repeatedly reveal in which hand they are holding a coin, without the need for any gimmicks -- using nothing but genuine body language and psychology.
An easy-to-learn method of memorizing the order of a deck of playing cards is revealed. You are then shown how to use this memorized deck for a demonstration of apparent genuine body language.
Royle reveals how to use body language techniques to be able to hypnotize people, and to do this faster and more effectively with these methods.
Royle performs and teaches a routine whereby a chosen playing card is found inside of his trousers! He explains how this is accomplished as an example of using natural-looking body language for magical misdirection purposes.
Royle also explores how the use of body language and non-verbal communication techniques can enable you to become more successful with the opposite sex. Not only that, he also explains how these techniques can help you to "influence" people more effectively.
In short, you'll learn how to blur the lines between "genuine" and "trick" body language for magical misdirection and in other areas of your everyday life.
A wonderful introduction to the topic, and a bargain at this low price.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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