Steve Rowe has literally exploded onto the magic scene in the last 5 years. Not only is his magic practical, it has also been worked and refined to perfection. His unique approach to organic magic is sure to make an impact on your own working set. Every move, every beat, and every word has been thoroughly thought out. Here you will get a real insight into creating props, and structuring your own routines to get the maximum impact possible. There is also a practical crafting section where you will learn some of the techniques Steve uses to create his own props - he even shares his methods for making flap cards - worth the price of the lecture alone. Join us on a fun-packed journey and delve into the mind of one of the most creative thinkers out there. It's going to be totally sweet!
Sweet Worker's Set: Steve's working set in the exciting, quirky, super fun style that you will come to expect with Steve's material. It's completely modular -- perfect for restaurant work! It's an entire set with multiple moments of powerful magic!
Special Gift Deck: A utility deck to bring non-organic objects into play in a way that feels natural and justified!
Breakaway Sharpie: A gag gimmick that is guaranteed a laugh!
Sweet Pen: A roll of candy becomes a working Sharpie marker!
Appear8: A surprising effect where an 8 ball is drawn onto a case and is immediately pulled off the box to reveal a real 8 ball in your hand! Super visual and eye popping!
LollyPOP: Appear8's little brother! A lollipop image is on a card, removed, and can now be performed with or handed out to a lucky spectator!
Lolly Through: An ultra-visual lollipop penetration through a bill or note!
Signed Note Transformed and Restored: A signature is visually pulled off a signed note and handed to the spectator! Then Steve puts the face on the note to sleep with nothing more than a wave! The Queen's eyes have closed and can be fully handed out as an impossible object!
#46 The Amazing Torn and Restored Card Trick: This is a hilarious piece of business... imagine T&R meeting the Bandana trick! And as usual with all of Steve's effects, someone ends up getting a piece of candy!
Lolli Hero: An updated version of one of Steve's signature tricks! A superhero character is chosen and a lollipop is shown all around to be completely normal. Without any switches or anything taken away, the magician puts the sweet in their mouth and moments later, the lollipop is in the shape of the chosen hero! If you loved Lolli Hero, you'll love this latest iteration!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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