Come learn from one of the best! Considered one of the most creative and professional modern mentalists in the world, Paul Brook aims to entertain while teaching you how to perform impossible feats! Learn effects from Paul's very own high-paying trade show, using multiple methods to help fool your audience all while promoting yourself with business cards. Under his guidance, Paul will also help you expand your creative potential to help your magic become more unique and tailored for your own personality. Come join us as we welcome Paul Brook for a lecture At The Table! Here's what you'll learn:
Copenhagen Cover-Up: Using just a pair of business cards and a pen, you take a person on a journey around the world - only to find you've both ended up at the same destination.
Sheltered Drawing Duplication: Through random process and definitive thought, a participant creates an image that you can correctly replicate using just a single business card and a pen.
Any Word on Any Object: Turn anything that has words on it into a powerful word test! Nothing needs to be written down - can be played as direct mind reading. This is also a perfect spring-board into a book test.
Doing Business: The most congruent way to swap a business card with a potential client, and possibly the best justification of a peek wallet. For those who like to network and generate business, this has some inherently powerful marketing potential.
Business Trader: Give your business card to an entire group of people. Without looking, ask one of them to exchange their own card for yours. Participants are asked to swap the cards amongst each other a few times randomly before you tell them who has your cards and who has the other person's card, all without looking.
Choose Me: Six blank business cards are shown. One has the words "Choose Me" written on it. The cards are mixed up and the participant is asked to choose one of the cards. Virtually every time you can make the person pick the "Choose Me" card. If they don't, the very next choice they make will certainly be the "Choose Me" card.
3 Form Thought: A prediction is placed down on the table and a participant is asked to freely form an image in their mind. Even though all of the choices are their own, you are able to correctly predict their thought-of image with just a business card and a pen.
The Power of Multiple Methods: Paul takes you through his long-standing, three-phase, book test. This is an education on using various methodologies to completely fool your audience.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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