The word "Magic" and the name "Michael Ammar" go hand in hand. Michael is a LIVING LEGEND in magic. Having been a personal student of the Professor himself, Dai Vernon, Michael has been an influence to magicians all over the world for many decades. In this 2 hour jam packed lecture, join host Joshua Jay as Michael shares with you some of his ideas and effects, both new and old.
Broken and Restored Screen: This is Michael's newest "go-to" impromptu effect. Borrow someone's phone and crack the glass on THEIR screen. Show them up close, how the broken screen looks and feels...then magically restore the phone and hand it back to them. Michael discusses how he developed this effect, how a packing bubble can enhance the illusion, and how you can make the simple gimmick needed to perform this close up illusion.
Rubber Band Jam: Michael Ammar does Crazy Man's Handcuffs--a rubber band penetration--better than anyone alive. It's likely you do this effect as well. Michael goes over several fine points that he has never tipped before, and how Richard Ross influenced his presentation in ways you haven't realized. Michael talks about concept of the "delayed revelation" that can be applied to countless effects you already do.
Pencil Through Coin: NO! This is NOT the version you think you know. Michael Ammar consulted on a television special where this effect was used, and the method is FANTASTIC and NEW--new as in "brand new," never before lectured on. Mr. Ammar used his "At the Table" performance to debut this effect and its unusual handling to the magic community.
Hardcore Card Jam: Michael Ammar has chops--great chops, and he has had great teachers. We rarely get to see Michael's chops up close because he often performs for groups of 50, 100, or 1000 people at a time. Well, now you get to see him up close and personal, as he gives you a master class on moves like the Side Steal, goes over some palms, and much more. He discussed his theory of "Technical Alchemy," the idea that the best ideas are often stripped down to the irreducible minimum, so that the only actions, words, and movements included in an effect play a positive role.
Silk Thru Coffee Mug: Michael performs and explains this extremely visual piece of magic. A silk passes through the handle of a coffee mug. It looks like trick photography!
Topit Work: Michael is known for his work on the Topit, and in this segment, Michael shows you how to vanish a cellphone using a Topit. Michael also briefly talks about the Topit in general.
Little Hand: Vanish a coin in your open palm, with a "little" help. Michael performs Bob Farmer's Little Creature then explains in full detail the work on this fun and visual piece of magic.
Michael also shares with us his appearance on Letterman, and shows us a few routines from his performance on the show.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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