For the first time in At The Table history, Menny Lindenfeld A.K.A. The Para-Mentalist is back for his 3rd lecture! He is an award-winning, international paranormal entertainer who has returned to share his exciting new material that will leave you speechless. If you haven't seen Menny perform before, get ready for a mind-altering experience that will leave you with the tools to take your magic to the next level. Join us as we welcome Menny Lindenfeld for his 3rd At The Table Lecture! Here's what you'll learn:
X-Ray intuition: The spectator writes a name on a business card and folds it. The card is mixed with several other identically folded business cards. Menny is able to find the correct business card. Not only that, but is also able to determine what name was written on it.
Invisible Skill: After shuffling the deck, Menny is able to memorize the entire deck in ten seconds. With one hand, he holds the deck under the table and is able to find any card the spectator says.
R&B: A blindfolded, facedown version of Out of This World. The spectator can shuffle the cards at any point during the routine.
Color Changing Sharpie: Visually change the color of a Sharpie.
The Thunder Prediction: A unique prediction effect where it seems like Menny got it wrong, but the predicted card visually changes into the spectator's chosen card. A simple, easy-to-perform effect that will have you screaming, "Why didn't I think of that!?"
The Lindenfeld Bend: A Menny lecture wouldn't be complete without some metal bending! Menny shows off one of his earliest metal-bending techniques.
Download the video and learn these great effects!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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