If you've never seen Menny Lindenfeld, AKA, "The ParaMentalist" perform, you are in for a real treat. An award-winning, international paranormal entertainer, Menny has appeared on numerous highly-rated international TV shows: including Phenomenon - (The Next Uri Geller), and was one of the finalists on Fool the Master with Max Maven, just to name a few.
Menny has used his supernatural ability to deform objects to the astonishment of audiences in twenty-two countries, and now he's revealing how to achieve that level of mastery here At The Table. Every effect you'll learn will utilize organic everyday objects, from spoons to rubber bands to keys. Learn to twist metal along with your spectator's minds! Join us right here, At The Table. Here are some things you'll learn:
Metal Spoon Bending: A multi-phase spoon bending effect. The spectator watches as the spoon distorts in the magician's hand. First a little bend, then a big bend, and then, finally, a massive bend. This very open and very fair effect alone is worth the price of admission.
Torn and Restored Rubber Band: Based on Harry Lorayne's T&R rubber band, Menny reveals a way to get into the method secretly, using only a single hand.
Twisted Spoon Effect: Menny adds a twist on the classic spoon bend, literally. He reveals how to create and use a twist in the spoon to make the effect even more impossible.
Color Changing Rubber Band: Menny has a rubber band wound tightly around two fingers, and with a snap of his other hand, the rubber band changes colors in front of the spectator's eyes. A simple yet delightful trick that anyone can do.
Bending Key Necklace: Menny places a normal key tied to a necklace around the spectator's neck. That does all the work, as the key is now twisted.
The Kreskin Altoid Effect: The spectator freely hides a signed coin in one of four Altoid boxes. No matter how much they mix them up, Menny is able to find the coin within seconds.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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