For over 20 years Marc Spelmann has been captivating audiences all over the world with his astonishing performances as a paranormal magician and mind reader. He has entertained celebrities, heads of state, the most influential corporate companies and Royalty at literally every type of event you could imagine. The Chapters of Marc Spelmann DVD set released back in 2004 along with numerous other releases have cemented a highly regarded reputation within the magic community as a creator, author and lecturer. Richard Osterlind, Banachek, Larry Becker, Kenton Knepper, Marc Salem, and Richard Webster have all praised Marc's creations and presentations. Here's what you'll learn:
M&M: Marc demonstrates his uncanny memory skills to be able to find a card in a deck shuffled by the spectator. You will not believe how easy this is to learn, you'll be performing this within minutes.
Blagging It Impression: A spectator writes any thought of name or word on an index card, and the magician can divine it with 100% certainty. No fishing, no guessing.
One Question: The magician asks one question and is able to reveal the chosen card. Simple yet powerfully deceptive.
Hidden Chapter: One of the most impossible card at any number you'll ever see. The magician never touches the cards and feels incredibly fair. This one will fry magicians and laymen.
OCAAN (Only Card At Any Number): An ACAAN with a kicker ending.
Mirror Mirror: An ACAAN routine that involves two decks. The magician doesn't even touch the cards and this works 100% of the time.
PPLH (Past, Present, Love, Hate): A wonderful mentalism piece that touches on spectator's emotions. The magician is able to divine a piece of the spectator's history just from a series of questions.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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