As a full-time magician, Marc Lavelle is no stranger when it comes to knowing how to wow a crowd. His routines and effects stem from his passion for tinkering and creating, a passion which has been used to consult on hit TV shows like Magic Kids in France and Tricked in the UK. His charm, wit, and comedic stylings are present in every performance, which proves evident in our At The Table lecture! On this edition of At The Table, you'll learn:
Blank Deck Routine: A comedy Ambitious Card routine for the working magician. This doesn't appear to be just "another card trick." Use all your favorite moves with this routine and a double blank pack of cards. As a kicker ending, the entire deck "prints" itself, isolating your spectator's signed card. The deck can then be used for the rest of your card routines!
Palm-less Card to Pocket Routine: A palm-less 3-phase Card to Pocket Routine with an incredibly easy vanish of the entire deck!
Card to Phone: In a minimalistic world, bulky and full-size wallets are becoming less and less as an everyday item. A cellphone, however, is here to stay! Why not use it!
Psychotic Band Routine: Marc's very own version of Crazy Man Handcuffs!
Houdini Card: With a Houdini theme, a signed selected card is lost in the deck. The deck is then secured with elastic bands, yet on command, the selection will jump straight out of the deck, leaving the elastic bands intact.
Social Media Routine: A app-less routine where a freely selected card is revealed in a post on your Facebook profile wall, prior to even meeting your spectators!
Homemade TNR: Two homemade and practical TNR gimmicks. Both are easy to make, easy to use, and leave the spectator with a signed impossible object.
Number Pick: A fun and quick bit of mentalism with seemingly impossible odds (can also be done over the phone, Skype, Messenger, etc.!).
Movie Rerun: A film is chosen by the spectator. A DVD prediction that has been on show the whole time matches perfectly.
Rainmack Routine: This is Marc's show closer. A deck is shuffled, a Rubik's Cube is shuffled. A card is removed by a spectator without anyone seeing what the card is. The audience then thinks you memorize the entire deck, and recite the order back, WHILST solving the Rubik's Cube. For the finale - you announce which card is missing.
Bonus: Rubik's Selfie: Immortalizing a magical moment on the spectator's phone.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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