With performances across Europe, Asia, the US, and Australia, it's safe to say Losander is a World-Renowned Magician that has been captivating audiences for years. Known for enthralling even the most skeptical spectators, Losander's magic is sure to inspire and delight! Using simple tools, you will learn how to perform and improve some of your existing magic while bringing your effects to the next level. You will even learn how to animate small objects and perform with magic bubbles! Yes, he gives you all the secrets to his world-famous floating bubble routine. Join us for a new, original experience and a lecture that will unleash your full potential with Losander, right here At The Table!
Animated Bank Note: Take a borrowed bill and, with nothing but static electricity, make it stick to your hand.
Animated Business Card: Make a business card stand up on your palm, and immediately hand out the card afterwards. It's easy to perform and you create a real miracle.
Dancing Straws: A perfect, impromptu restaurant routine that utilizes 2 straws.
Salt Game: A great opening routine for walkaround magic.
Animated Glass: Control an ordinary glass with only your mind. The glass can be inspected and can even be borrowed.
Exquisite: A unique take on the Ouija board. You cover a glass with a cloth and without any prompting, the glass will move on its own, and even float! If you've seen his floating table, you know exactly how powerful this effect can be.
The Water Sign: An amazing routine using ordinary objects you will find in almost any setting. If you like dollar bill magic, you won't want to miss this one.
Bubble Routine: A transcendent piece of magic that will make you question whether or not magic is real. Includes Floating Bubble, Bubble Zombie, and Juggling with Bubbles.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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