This month we are delighted to bring back United Kingdom's John Carey, At The Table! Many of you will be aware of John's superb minimalistic approach to card and close-up magic through his 5 critically acclaimed published books, multiple DVDs, and download projects. John has lectured in 17 countries worldwide and carefully cherry-picked 10 outstanding mysteries from his huge repertoire just for you. There is truly something for everyone in this lecture, including many unpublished effects, utilities, and tips to improve your existing magic. All strong, practical, and with the streamlined stamp that has helped John attain his international reputation.
Join us as welcome back John Carey, At The Table!
Here's what you'll learn:
Triple spellbound coins to purse: A perfect opener where coins change over, and over again and then magically teleport to a purse on the table! Streamlined for maximum effect, with minimal handling. You will love this!
Destiny: Carey's un-gaffed approach to Max Maven's seminal B'Wave is the perfect piece of pocket mentalism you will want to keep in your wallet. A real worker!
A.F.C.A.A.N.: Did we say it's self-working, can be done with a borrowed deck and will fool you badly? Using a very old concept in an unusual and creative way, this card at any number is a keeper.
A game of Imagination: One imaginary deck plus verbal subterfuge equals a superb anytime, anyplace and anywhere mental mystery. John will also discuss his thoughts in general on an ancient concept used in this effect that will inspire you to think more about this tool and apply it to your own work.
Rainbow: No spoilers!
The perception false shuffle: Did we tell you there's no sleight of hand? John has only shared this with a select few until now. Now's your chance to learn this beautiful utility and add it to your arsenal.
In the hands false riffle shuffle: Most of these types of shuffles are not easy! Therefore, you will love the simplicity of this technique, which will not bust your fingers!
Influential: A beautiful little mental mystery with a bill you will want to carry in your wallet. Built around the theme of influence and suggestion, this is simply a delightful interlude piece for any conditions.
Collectable: This must be one of the most direct handlings of the classic collectors plot out there! Streamlined to the max and includes a fantastic utility control you can use for so much more.
Three Tools: We finish off the lecture with John teaching 3 very deceptive card tools. The hopscotch control, J. C's think a card crosscut force and the spread and drop false cut. Beautifully simple and so versatile!
Join us as welcome back John Carey, At The Table!
Download the video and start learning!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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