If you can describe Hyunsoo Kim in one sentence, it would be "A teacher to all stage magicians of Korea." When you watch him perform on stage, you'll be struck in awe at his suave handling of his stage performance. He gets rid of all unnecessary movements to make his routines cleaner and more punctuated, showing his many years of mastery. After you've joined in on his lecture, you can apply his methods to many different areas of magic. The strongest of stage magicians over the years have often sought out Hyunsoo's advice on their acts. So, are you ready to meet the master of stage magic? Come join us, At The Table. Here's what you'll learn:
Hyunsoo's Complete Stage Act! Learn it all from opening sleight to final bow. It's a master stage magician's full routine-nothing held back.
Includes detailed instructions on how to perform every move in his act:
Dueling Move: Naturally transfer a card palmed in the right hand to your left hand.
Back-Palm Move: Transfer the card back-palmed in your right hand to your left.
Card to Cigarette: Make a card miraculously turn into a cigarette.
The Connection: Use a silk to produce a full deck of cards out of nowhere.
One-Steal Two Hand Fan: Steal the cards just once to produce cards from both hands.
Fan Production: Learn the right-and left-hand fan re-grip to produce fanned cards from both hands.
Card Case to Fan: Take out the cards from their box and spread the cards into a fan, making the box seemingly disappear in the process.
Pushback Palm Production: Use this to produce lots of cards. Learn how to modify the cards to add grip and prevent sticking when using back-palm productions.
Single Production (Both Hands): A single card is produced repeatedly from both hands.
Help us in welcoming one of the best stage magicians Korea has to offer. Join us for Hyunsoo Kim's At The Table lecture.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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