At the Table: Daniel Garcia
March 5th, 2014
Daniel Garcia is not only one of the most influential creators in the industry, but he is also the most sought-after consultants for television magic. He helped sculpt the television careers of Dynamo, David Blaine and others. In his 2 hour lecture, Danny will share with you many of his favorite effects, as well as lots of NEW material. Danny will also bring clips of behind-the-scenes work he has done for some of the biggest names in magic.
Time Line 2.0: A signed, odd-backed card vanishes from the box and ends up being the "newly" selected card. Workable, smart, deceptive.
Red: A freely selected card happens to be the only red card in the pack.
Serial Shuffle: A deck is shuffled by numerous spectators and ten cards are freely dealt out, which end up matching the serial number on the box.
Serial Shufflebored: A combination of Serial Shuffle and Simon Aronson's Shufflebored. A smart, natural combination.
Deepwater: A Do-As-I-Do Oil and Water Routine with a fabulous kicker ending.
Open Coincidence (3 versions): A prediction is shown and the spectator freely deals the cards, stopping on one card, which happens to match your open prediction.
21: Two bills change places while one is held by the spectator.
Engage (bill ring): Instantly fold an origami ring out of a dollar bill.
Yellow Phone (2 versions): Correctly guess the item a spectator is guessing from a list on your phone.
Credit Through Bill: A credit card passes through a bill slowly, yet the bill is unharmed.
EMIT: Everyone travels back in time, which is proven in this interactive phone effect.
Dough Boy: A coffee stir stick is pushed through a bill and then visually penetrates through, leaving no rips.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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