One third of the world-famous Fat Brothers and a student of Juan Tamariz, Christian Engblom is nothing short of a miracle worker when it comes to card magic. You may know this virtuoso for his work on Anti-Faro, The Cooler, or Pieces, but now he's bringing that brilliance for a session with us. So, pull up a chair, and prepare to be amazed as we welcome Christian Engblom right here, At The Table. Here's what you'll learn:
Oil Over Troubled Water: Christian's take on a classic plot. This version has a phase in the spectator's hand and a kicker ending. This super-easy trick is a must learn!
Human Scale: The spectator selects a card and places it in the middle, then cuts the deck to lose it back into the pack. Simply by weighing the deck, Christian is able to divine the position of the spectator's card.
Monte Routine: A classic Three Card Monte Routine performed in the way that only Christian can perform it. This version has an amazing ending where he purposefully rips a corner from the winning card. But when he reveals that the ripped card is no longer the winning card, the ripped corner has changed as well!
The Picasso Trick: A wonderful routine built around the story of Pablo Picasso. This effect is as surprising as it is engaging!
Triple C: A first-hand demo of Christian's latest creation, Triple C. This utility deck allows you to look like a master card manipulator without the years of work.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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